6 Sources of Calcium Rich Foods

In a recent blog post we covered the topic of calcium supplements and how they may increase the risk of heart attacks. The study concluded that there is a 31% increase in heart attack risk for those who took calcium supplements without vitamin D.

But foods rich in calcium are wonderful for the body, so here are six of our favorite ways to get your calcium naturally.


This is probably the most common type of food that people associate with calcium. Milk, yogurt, cheese (especially cheddar, mozzarella, & Parmesan), and ice cream are all great sources of calcium.


When it comes to calcium, not all fish are created equal. The three fish that pack the most calcium are fried whitebait, canned sardines and tinned salmon. An average serving size of each will provide you with 688, 500 and 91 mg of calcium respectively.


Some calcium-rich veggies worth getting on your plate are kale, okra, turnip greens, and your typical broccoli. You can also look to red kidney, white, and baked beans for some more calcium.


If you’re looking for calcium through fruit, look no further than figs and apricots. An average portion of ready to eat figs (about 220 g) contains a whopping 560 mg of calcium. If you are a little timid when it comes to trying new things, you can eat an orange and get around 75 mg of calcium.


The best source of calcium from nuts is through Tahini paste, which is made from ground sesame seeds. If you’re looking for a more traditional route just add sesame seeds to your meal or grab a handful of almonds.


Another excellent source of calcium, tofu provides you with about 510 mg in an average serving size (100 g).

If you would like learn more about how to maintain a healthy heart, or to talk with a physician about your potential heart risk factors, visit Sherman’s Heart and Vascular Center.

About Sherman Health

Sherman Health has provided medical care to Northern IL since 1888, and is currently home to a network of over 600 physicians. The Sherman blogs are edited by me, Luke. Questions? Comments? Links? Email address is luke at shermanhealth dot com.
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1 Response to 6 Sources of Calcium Rich Foods

  1. Crystal says:

    My husband has recently had a major heart attack, open heart surgery and a pacemaker put in. One thing that has been strongly suggested for him is to take fish oil vitamins.

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